Vue Router: The Ultimate Guide to Route Names and Paths
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Vue Router: The Ultimate Guide to Route Names and Paths

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When working with Vue Router, one of the most common questions that arise is whether it’s possible to have multiple routes with the same path but different names. In this article, we’ll dive deep into the world of Vue Router and explore the possibilities of achieving this functionality, at least for test purposes.

Understanding Vue Router Basics

Route Configuration

In Vue Router, routes are defined using the routes array in the router configuration. Each route object typically consists of three properties: path, component, and name. The path property specifies the URL path that the route should match, the component property specifies the component that should be rendered when the route is matched, and the name property specifies a unique name for the route.

const routes = [
    path: '/',
    component: HomePage,
    name: 'home'
    path: '/about',
    component: AboutPage,
    name: 'about'

The Problem: Same Path, Different Names?

Now, let’s get to the heart of the matter. What if we want to define two routes with the same path but different names? For example, suppose we want to have two routes, myRouteA and myRouteB, both mapping to the same path /my-path. Can we do this?

const routes = [
    path: '/my-path',
    component: MyComponentA,
    name: 'myRouteA'
    path: '/my-path',
    component: MyComponentB,
    name: 'myRouteB'

In Vue Router, the answer is no, you can’t define two routes with the same path but different names. Vue Router will throw an error when it encounters duplicate paths. This is because Vue Router uses the path as a unique identifier for each route, and duplicate paths would create ambiguity.

A Workaround for Test Purposes

So, is there a way to achieve this functionality, at least for test purposes? The answer is yes, but with some creative workarounds. One possible solution is to use route parameters.

Route Parameters to the Rescue

Vue Router allows you to define route parameters using the colon (:) syntax in the path. For example, we can define a route with a parameter like this:

const routes = [
    path: '/my-path/:type',
    component: MyComponent,
    name: 'myRoute'

In this example, the route path includes a parameter :type, which can be either A or B. We can then use this parameter to determine which component to render.

A Test-Friendly Solution

Now, let’s apply this concept to our original problem. We can define two routes with the same path but different names, by using a route parameter to distinguish between the two.

const routes = [
    path: '/my-path/:type(A)',
    component: MyComponentA,
    name: 'myRouteA'
    path: '/my-path/:type(B)',
    component: MyComponentB,
    name: 'myRouteB'

In this example, we’ve added a route parameter :type to both routes, with a default value of either A or B. We can then use this parameter to determine which component to render.

Testing Route Names

Now that we have our routes defined, let’s see how we can test them. We’ll use Jest and Vue Testing Library to write some tests.

import { render, fireEvent, waitFor } from '@vue/testing-library';
import { createLocalVue, shallowMount } from '@vue/test-utils';
import VueRouter from 'vue-router';
import MyComponentA from './MyComponentA.vue';
import MyComponentB from './MyComponentB.vue';

const localVue = createLocalVue();

const router = new VueRouter({
  routes: [
      path: '/my-path/:type(A)',
      component: MyComponentA,
      name: 'myRouteA'
      path: '/my-path/:type(B)',
      component: MyComponentB,
      name: 'myRouteB'

describe('Route Names', () => {
  it('renders MyComponentA when route name is myRouteA', async () => {
    const { getByText } = render(MyComponentA, { router });
    await router.push({ name: 'myRouteA', params: { type: 'A' } });

  it('renders MyComponentB when route name is myRouteB', async () => {
    const { getByText } = render(MyComponentB, { router });
    await router.push({ name: 'myRouteB', params: { type: 'B' } });

In this example, we’ve defined two tests, each checking that the correct component is rendered when the corresponding route name is used.


In this article, we’ve explored the possibilities of having multiple routes with the same path but different names in Vue Router. While it’s not possible to define such routes directly, we can use creative workarounds like route parameters to achieve this functionality, at least for test purposes. By using route parameters, we can define multiple routes with the same path but different names, and use these names to determine which component to render. We’ve also seen how to test these routes using Jest and Vue Testing Library.

While this solution might not be suitable for production use, it can be a useful tool in your testing toolbox. With Vue Router, the possibilities are endless, and with a little creativity, you can achieve even the most complex routing scenarios.

Route Path Route Name Component
/my-path/:type(A) myRouteA MyComponentA
/my-path/:type(B) myRouteB MyComponentB
  1. Define routes with unique names and paths
  2. Use route parameters to distinguish between routes
  3. Test route names using Jest and Vue Testing Library

Final Thoughts

Remember, Vue Router is a powerful tool that offers a lot of flexibility when it comes to routing. By thinking outside the box and using creative workarounds, you can achieve even the most complex routing scenarios. Happy coding!

We hope you enjoyed this article! Do you have any questions or need further clarification on any of the topics discussed? Leave a comment below and we’ll be happy to help.

Frequently Asked Question

Get ready to dive into the world of Vue.js routing and explore the possibilities of having multiple routes with the same path but different names!

Can I have multiple routes with the same path but different names in Vue.js?

Yes, you can! While Vue.js doesn’t natively support having multiple routes with the same path, you can use a hack to achieve this. Create an alias route for the desired path, and then use a router.beforeEach guard to redirect to the actual route based on some condition.

How can I differentiate between multiple routes with the same path in Vue.js?

You can differentiate between multiple routes with the same path by using route metadata or query parameters. For example, you can add a `routeName` property to your route metadata and then use it to determine which route to redirect to in your router.beforeEach guard.

Is it only possible to achieve this for testing purposes?

No, while having multiple routes with the same path but different names can be useful for testing purposes, it can also be used in production environments. For example, you might want to have different routes for different user roles or languages, but with the same path.

How does this approach impact Vue.js router performance?

This approach shouldn’t have a significant impact on Vue.js router performance, as it only involves adding some extra logic to your route configuration and using a router.beforeEach guard. However, make sure to optimize your route configuration and guard logic to avoid any performance bottlenecks.

Are there any limitations to using this approach in Vue.js?

Yes, one limitation is that you need to ensure that your route metadata or query parameters are properly set and handled correctly. Additionally, this approach might not work well with Vue.js built-in features like route lazy loading or route caching, so be sure to test it thoroughly in your specific use case.