In FreshRSS, How to Mark Articles Before Yesterday as Read in the Filter?
Image by Anglea -

In FreshRSS, How to Mark Articles Before Yesterday as Read in the Filter?

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If you’re an avid user of FreshRSS, you know how essential it is to stay on top of your news feeds and keep your reading list organized. But what if you want to mark articles before yesterday as read in the filter? Don’t worry; we’ve got you covered!

Why Mark Articles as Read?

Before we dive into the tutorial, let’s quickly discuss why marking articles as read is essential. Here are a few reasons:

  • Stay Organized**: Marking articles as read helps you keep your reading list tidy and ensures you don’t miss important updates.
  • Reduce Clutter**: By marking older articles as read, you can focus on more recent news and topics that interest you.
  • Save Time**: Marking articles as read saves you time in the long run, as you won’t have to sift through a long list of unread articles.

Step-by-Step Guide to Marking Articles Before Yesterday as Read

Now, let’s get started with the tutorial! Follow these easy steps to mark articles before yesterday as read in the filter:

Step 1: Access the Filter Feature

Log in to your FreshRSS account and click on the Filter icon located at the top-right corner of your dashboard.

    |  Filter Icon  |

Step 2: Create a New Filter Rule

In the Filter window, click on the New rule button.

    |  New Rule     |

Step 3: Set the Condition

In the Condition field, select Published date from the dropdown menu.

    |  Condition    |
    |  Published    |
    |  date          |

Step 4: Define the Operator and Value

In the Operator field, select < (less than). In the Value field, enter yesterday.

    |  Operator     |
    |  <           |
    |  Value        |
    |  yesterday     |

Step 5: Set the Action

In the Action field, select Mark as read.

    |  Action       |
    |  Mark as read  |

Step 6: Save the Filter Rule

Click the Save button to save the new filter rule.

    |  Save         |

How the Filter Rule Works

Let’s break down how the filter rule works:

Condition Operator Value Action
Published date < yesterday Mark as read

The filter rule checks if the published date of an article is less than yesterday (< yesterday). If the condition is true, the article is marked as read.

Tips and Variations

Here are some additional tips and variations to help you get the most out of this filter rule:

Marking Articles as Read for a Specific Timeframe

If you want to mark articles as read for a specific timeframe (e.g., last week), you can modify the Value field accordingly. For example:

    |  Value        |
    |  7 days ago     |

Excluding Specific Feeds or Categories

If you want to exclude specific feeds or categories from the filter rule, you can add additional conditions using the AND or OR operators. For example:

    |  Condition    |
    |  Category is   |
    |  not News       |
    |  AND           |
    |  Published date|
    |  < yesterday  |


In FreshRSS, marking articles before yesterday as read in the filter is a straightforward process. By following these steps, you can keep your reading list organized, reduce clutter, and save time. Don’t forget to experiment with different filter rules and variations to optimize your FreshRSS experience!

Remember, the key to mastering FreshRSS is to stay organized and customize your feed to your liking. With this tutorial, you’re one step closer to achieving that goal.

Happy filtering!

Frequently Asked Question

Get the scoop on FreshRSS and master the art of managing your articles with ease!

How do I mark articles before yesterday as read in the filter?

In FreshRSS, you can mark articles before yesterday as read by using the “before” filter. To do this, go to the “Filters” tab, click on “New filter”, and select “Article date” as the filter type. Then, choose “before” as the operator and set the value to “yesterday” (or any other date you prefer). Finally, select the “Mark as read” action to apply the filter.

Can I customize the date range for marking articles as read?

Absolutely! FreshRSS allows you to customize the date range to suit your needs. When creating a filter, you can set the value to a specific date or a relative date, such as “2 days ago” or “1 week ago”. This gives you the flexibility to mark articles as read based on your desired timeframe.

What happens if I have multiple filters set up in FreshRSS?

No worries! FreshRSS allows you to set up multiple filters, and each filter will be applied independently. This means you can create separate filters for different purposes, such as marking articles as read, categorizing articles, or applying custom labels. The filters will be executed in the order you’ve set them up, so you can prioritize which filters take precedence.

Can I use the “before” filter to mark articles as unread?

Unfortunately, the “before” filter only allows you to mark articles as read. If you want to mark articles as unread, you’ll need to use a different filter or approach. One workaround is to create a filter with the “after” operator and set the value to the desired date. Then, select the “Mark as unread” action to apply the filter.

Are there any limitations to using filters in FreshRSS?

While FreshRSS offers robust filtering capabilities, there are some limitations to keep in mind. For example, filters only apply to articles that are currently in your feed, so if an article is removed or expires, the filter won’t affect it. Additionally, filters might not work as expected if you have a large number of articles or feeds. In such cases, it’s essential to optimize your filters for performance and test them regularly to ensure they’re working as intended.